Last year I met a gentleman online that I will call "J." He was much older than myself, but in our few emails, we learned we had much in common. It was refreshing and also exciting to step into new territory after so many years, having had relationships with men younger than myself for the most part.
The site we met on was a popular, but vanilla dating site. At some point in our correspondence, I confided to J that I was a sub; or, at least had strong submissive tendencies. Within minutes, J was on the phone, and in his deeply seductive voice, tells me that he is a dom, and insisted that we meet that very night. Without giving it a second thought, I agreed, and within the hour, I was on the interstate on my way to meet him at a Broad Ripple pub. J was tall, still exceedingly handsome, with intensely steel blue eyes that settled on one part of my body at a time, visually slurping my essence inch by inch.
We sat at the bar and talked quietly, and every now and then, I noticed he had pulled his stool closer to me, and soon, I was locked in between his long legs unable to escape. J impressed me very much, and I was so surprised at my instant attraction to him. At 72, he was strong, sensual, and in excellent shape. He told me he worked out regularly and took very good care of himself. His long, sensuous fingers stroked my arm as I nervously reached for my vodka and tonic, sending chills throughout my body once I was able to sip the cool, bitter-sweet elixir. And he inched closer and closer, even pulling my bar stool into him, so that when he spoke to me it was in a hoarse whisper, his hot breath stinging my ear and causing the hairs to stand up on the back of my neck. I was trapped, shackled and locked into this new, wonderfully sexy man like a gigantic magnet.
J held my left wrist in his hand firmly against his chest as he told me of the things he planned to do to me. People were looking, as this pale, ancient gladiator seductively snared his prey. I was spellbound as he went on to tell me how he would have me crawl naked across his cold floor in search of my prize while he flogs me mercilessly; the way he would display me in his window, for all of his neighbors across the courtyard to witness as I present my bare backside to him for punishment; and still, how he would take me violently, at will, only after, and only maybe, I beg him for it, telling him in graphic detail what I wished him to do to me.
Over a shared plate of chicken quesadillas, I did beg him, whispering back into his ear, as he pressed me into the bar; I begged him to please take me home with him that night, and I begged him to let me realize this dream. Momentarily he breaks; but just for a second, taken aback that I actually requested he invite me to his lair. Perhaps he was bluffing? No, not a bluff, at all, but a pleasant surprise – for us both.
Seconds later, in the warm September moonlight, he walks me to my car, holding my elbow gently, carefully guiding me in his gentleman way. My car is parked on a residential street behind the pub, and we stand in the darkness, on the curb. A mere 10 feet away, a family sits quietly on their stoop watching guardedly, as the aged European and the dark, sultry woman stand talking intently, their words inaudible to them. J’s hands reach up in an instant, and slide stealth-like under my bra, shoving it up quickly in the dark, grabbing my nipples roughly in his slender fingers, pinching them so hard I think I will scream. Those steel blue eyes lock onto my amber ones, his mouth barely parted, he squeezes even tighter. I am in agony and rapture simultaneously as he twists and pulls my rock hard nipples and I sway against him, taking in the cool scent of citrus through his Irish wool sweater. He does not let go, but pulls me against him even closer, tugging gently, firmly until I feel the warmth seep moistly through my warm lips, snug between my fleshy thighs. With my head thrown back, a moan gurgles through my throat as his teeth fastens against my left nipple, gnawing, chewing, pulling, sucking me so hard, so quickly, I unexpectedly cum in one terrific shift of the earth – I cum – standing there on the sidewalk – my thighs twitching convulsively as his strong arms hold me steady against him.
J rocks me gently, soothingly, kissing the side of my face tenderly as we cling together on the quiet street. In the darkness, through the slits of my eyes, I see the glowing embers of three cigarettes on the stoop so close to us. Its occupants quietly watching the scene in silence. Without a word, J turns on his heel and heads up the block and around the corner to his own car, leaving me standing there to straighten my clothing, and recompose myself. Finally, sitting in my car with the interior light blasting my embarrassed identity to the world, I look down at my shaking fingers as I slowly turn the key in the ignition. Moments later, headlights pass me swiftly, and I realize it is J, and I pull out of the space swift as a meteor, and follow him to his apartment downtown.
The night was made for a newbie Sub and her primordial Dom.
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